
Missions Trips To Asia

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“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” -Matthew 28:18-20

We feel that God has not only called us, but also blessed us with the privilege to pray, help and financially support the work of Missions (Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ) here at home and around the world.

A ministry devoted to training pastors and leaders around the world

Please keep Pastor Ed and Cheryl Hickey in prayer as they lead in this fruitful ministry of training and encouraging pastors and leaders in many of the most  impoverished and difficult areas of ministry in the world.

Please visit www.thepaulinitiative.com for more information, and if you would like to support the training of Christian leaders, and/or help with monthly support for a national pastor/missionary in one of these countries.

Raising up, Training & Sending Pastors, Evangelists & Missionaries to the Unreached People of India and Nepal


Calvary Chapel is supporting this great ministry in both India & Nepal. If you would like to know more about this ministry, and how you can pray and help, please click on the link below.

Harvest Mission

Kamloops Calvary Fellowship


Calvary Chapel has sent and is supporting Phil & Barb Ward to oversee and care for a Calvary Fellowship Church in Kamloops BC. Please pray for this couple and the Calvary Fellowship in Kamloops.

Kamloops Calvary Fellowship

Awake Vancouver


Awake Vancouver is a small House Church movement, we are supporting, led by Calvary Chapel pastor Marlon Brown in Vancouver.  Please keep Marlon, his family, and this growing ministry, in prayer and check out their website at the link below.

Awake Vancouver